Monday, February 2, 2009

Hang in there big guy

As I went to sleep last night I had this train of thought looping around my head:

"I can't believe Nadal won. My poor Rog, I do hope he's ok. Tough game, man, tough game. And the heat! Pah! Poor Rog. Nadal Naschmal. What is he, like, 14? But Rog, how good was he? I mean, yeah sure, not quite good enough to win, but really, what's winning? Ok so winning was kind of the point, of this and other elimination-based competitions, but can't they change the rules, just for Rog? Huh? For Rog? I can't believe Nadal won. My poor Rog, I do hope he's ok..." and etc.

The very last thing I remember thinking was: "You know, they should so just put a photo of Rog in the paper tomorrow. Forget Nadal, or at most just give him a little photo and Rog a big one."

And they did.


squib said...

What could be worse than losing to a 14 year old? Oh I know. Extra big bawling-your- eyes-out pictures in every major media outlet

Kettle said...

Dang, I was hoping no-one would notice that, squib ;) I guess the only thing worse than extra big bawling-your-eyes-out pictures is that secondary headline...

X said...

Aww, muffin.