I love Tim Cahill.
If it doesn't work out between me and Ben Whishaw, or me and Senator Faulkner, I'm going to marry Tim Cahill.
Here's a photo I took of Mr Cahill tonight:

I'm not entirely sure which one he is, but I reckon he must be one of these six chappies:

No matter. What matters is that he was there, somewhere, and he did stuff on the court that may or may not have contributed to Everton's basket, whether because of or despite the inclusion or absence of leg breaks or spikes.
That didn't sound right, did it? That's because nice looking, football-playing boys (ideally who read poetry) distract me no end from the game they're actually playing.
That's why I love Le Tour de France so much: never have I seen a pretty cyclist. I can sit perfectly upright, utterly sober, watching hour after hour of Le Tour and discourse freely on the mechanics of the peloton provided Cadel Evans is in the leaders' pack.
As long as Cadel stays up front it's just a matter of time until SBS contacts me to commentate the race. Just a matter of time.
I must admit that the Spanish team are aesthetically pleasing, somewhat, and this fact may play a small part in my getting up at 2.30 am to watch the final with Mr.Squib
I don't find cyclists even a tiny bit hawt
Yes yes, Squib! I also appreciate the talent of the Spanish team, and I also will be up watching them. Win or lose - who cares! It's all about how they look when playing the game.
I completely missed all the world cup this time round. I used to perve at Portugal. They won my loins when going for a corner, two ran at the ball and then faked pissed-off pushes with each other whilst a third player kicked the ball.
love a tricky man *sigh*
Ah MCL, can't you just imagine Dan Kelly and his band mates doing the same thing in a park somewhere on a glorious Saturday afternoon, laughing their arses off of course.
I'm pretty sure that would win your loins away from the Portuguese.
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