Thursday, December 11, 2008

A Really Great Writer

I was really sad to learn this morning that Dorothy Porter, poet, died yesterday.

I can't do her work any justice by talking about it; it's best if she speaks for herself:

Here's an excerpt from her latest verse novel, El Dorado.

Here's Porter's bibliography on wiki.


squib said...

That's so sad and sudden

Kettle said...

It is, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

I too was shocked to hear of her death. I possess some of her works, and have heard her speak at writers' festivals.
I remember two quotes she has made (from other writers):
..."the audacity of beauty"...(Pasternak)
..."a poem is a hook in the throat"...(unknown poet) Wow!
She was passionate, articulate, with a beautiful voice.
I admire and envy her succinctness.

Anonymous said...

very sad.... em x

Perseus said...

She was a good 'un. Vale.

Anonymous said...
