Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Motor Ace is still the shiz

So I used to love Motor Ace. You remember Motor Ace? With their angsty pop-rock they were the perfect band for the melancholic early-twenty-something. I remember going to a gig (ok several gigs) at the Metro in Sydney where I clutched my BFF's [sero] hand and we screamed the lyrics of 'Budge' as Patrick Roberston, in all his diminutive loveliness, sang them just for us (we were so sure).

Anyhoo, so a recent wave of the nostalgias has inspired me to dig out Five Star Laundry, and sitting here listening to it and wondering what the shit happened to Motor Ace, I came across this on Wikipedia:

The individual members remain on amicable terms. Robertson now professionally scores for film and television, while Ong still occasionally performs around Melbourne with his Joni Lightning project. Costin continues to work in the music industry. Matt Balfe is currently a freelance lion tamer.

Matt Balfe is currently a freelance lion tamer? This is not so much what I expected as not what I expected? Can anyone verify this?


Unknown said...

Lion taming sounds like a relatively awesome kind of job to have. Do you think it requires bringing your own chair and whip?

Kettle said...

Dear EMS, if anyone was going to have just the right chair and whip it would be you, what with all your crafy know-how.

I reckon any self-respecting lion tamer would have his or her own equipment, otherwise they'd just get some random Lion Tamer Institute issue.

Anonymous said...

I don't remember Moter Ace. I do remember Motorhead. I'm guessing there's not a lot of similarity?

I reckon lion-taming might be awesome for a little while; but there's only so many times I could watch a cat jump through a hoop before I started feeling like I was wasting my time.

Also, you are wise to ask for confirmation. What with it being Wikipedia and all.

Kettle said...

Alex I suspect Motorhead would crush Motor Ace without even realising they'd stepped on anything.

Ah poor Wikipedia, no-one believes them really, do they.

Anonymous said...

I've seen studies that suggest that, on average, Wikipedia contains only slightly more inaccuracies per article than most "proper" encyclopedias. The lesson, of course, is that you shouldn't use any encyclopedia as a primary source.

But you already knew that, right?

Kettle said...

Alex it always amazes me anyone believes anything!

squib said...

I was reading about Michelangelo on Wiki once and it said that while he was painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, a jealous lover caused him to fall from the scaffolding and die

I was all wow! I never knew that! Then it went on to say someone took a Polaroid of it... then it dawned on me that it was all not quite true

Kettle said...

That's a great story, Squib, and gives me an idea. Let's surreptitiously insert mention of polaroids in radically inappropriate articles on Wikipedia and see how long they stay there. I'll put one in an article about dinosaurs; what about you?

Anonymous said...

Squib, that just about had me pissing myself.

Kettle, I'm afraid I can't just disregard the people who put serious effort into writing those articles, and that somewhat sours my ability to enjoy those kinds of shenanigans. You kids have fun with your vandalism, though.

Kettle said...

Oh Alex I wasn't serious. I'd never actually 'wreck' someone's stuff; talk about its fuckwitticisms for sure, but not mess with it.

Freedom of speech and all that.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Kettle. You never can tell who's actually into that kind of stuff.

Kettle said...

Heh heh. Alex I just assumed everyone could tell I'm a good-natured nerd. No?

Anonymous said...

Well, the good-natured part is obvious (I hadn't really picked up on the nerd bit). But you know what I'm saying, right? I even shudder to think about some of the stuff I've done in the past, in the name of "harmless" fun.